



Application Form

Win a US Industry Research Report just for registering your interest profile for the Economic Gardening EngagementProgram that provides strategic insight to inform your decision-making as you navigate growth moves for your company.

Click here to learn more about the Strategic Research Engagement Program Strategic Research Engagement.




Economic Gardening® is an entrepreneur-oriented approach to economic prosperity. It represents a new way of thinking about supporting growth companies and letting business owners know how important they are to their local economies. So instead of offering traditional incentives like tax credits or real estate discounts, we’re offering something that might be even more valuable to CEOs: information — strategic information — gathered with their guidance and customized for their company. In contrast to traditional business assistance focused on finances, business plans, and operational issues, Economic Gardening addresses strategic growth challenges such as developing new markets, refining business models and gaining access to competitive intelligence. To do this, teams of highly skilled research specialists mine sophisticated databases and leverage a number of high-end tools related to search engine optimization, social media marketing, and geographic information systems.

Learn more – Economic Gardening


Second-stage companies are defined as companies that have 6 to 99 employees and $750,000 to $50 million in annual revenue, although these are loose boundaries. What’s important is that second-stagers are powerhouses when it comes to job creation and revenue generation. For example, between 1995 and 2013, second-stage companies comprised only 13 percent of U.S. establishments but generated 35 percent of all jobs and about 35.4 percent of sales. Also, second-stagers often have national or global markets, which means they bring outside dollars into the community.

Stability is another hallmark of second stage. Research shows that 80 percent of startups die within five years of their inception. Second-Stage companies, which already have customers and products in place, are concentrating on growth rather than survival. They’re expanding into new markets and introducing innovations that impact their industries. With greater financial bandwidth, they’re typically able to offer more diverse, high-quality jobs and provide better benefits for employees. Large corporations may pull up stakes and move when wooed by relocation incentives, but in our experience, second-stage entrepreneurs are devoted corporate citizens with deep roots in their communities.

In contrast to startups and microbusinesses, second-stagers have different needs to continue growing. Our programs address their challenges, which range from expanding into new markets to creating an internal infrastructure to embracing new leadership roles.

Click on the tabs below to learn more.


Industry & Market Research

Identify new markets, industry trends, and competitive intelligence.
An industry exists to serve a market. CEOs must stay on top of industry trends and data to remain relevant to market demands. An Industry analysis attempts to interpret the overall relevance of a particular industry to the needs of its market.
A market consists of individual consumers categorized by their buying habits. The Market Analysis helps CEOs stay abreast of their core markets by examining market demands in relation to prices and product offerings, using consumer demographics and buying habits to identify trends.




Map geographic areas for qualified sales leads.

Geographic information system (GIS) technology can help CEOs and their executive teams understanding the relationships between customers, locations, markets, and resources. GIS used as a technical assistance tool in the economic gardening program can provide data for making informed, intelligent decisions. GIS provides standard data analysis and much more, such as geographic mapping for market analysis, customer analytics, site selection, business intelligence.




Raise visibility in search engine results and increase website traffic.
Leverage social media to better connect with customers. Search engine optimization (SEO) allows CEOs to better connect with their customers by increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. With SEO, you can get the right people clicking through to your site, creating more traffic, and yield a potential for greater sales volume.




Special thanks to the following Resource Partners who are helping to spread the word about the TnTxECD Economic Gardening Network.